Friday Pretty Post: Watching, Waiting, Wishing and Praying

I am still watching LoCH 2017,  it was solid an adaptation till the mid 20 eps, then stuck in the conundrum even Mr JinYong imo could not create a cohesive progression for our YangKang, in novel too flat out evil.  With drama adaptations, the character is required to be within reasons…and attempt the impossible.  It is harmless, perhaps too harmless they are making the boy pervie douche OuYang Ke this time around as well, but boy, is he a charismatic fellow, so much fun to watch on screen and off.

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I Wish I Knew How to Quit: TangRen Trio

I thought I said my fond farewell to the trio with a post a few weeks ago, HuGe is taking a hiatus, studying state-side and I keenly wish he could have his privacy without the hassle of fans breathing down his neck, no news is good news, make myself a model batshxtcrazy ahjumma fan to bugger off.

But there was a ‘quasi’ award show which was in reality a HG’s sending off party.  YH made a trans-atlantic flight just to hand an award and hug him and watch a clip with him, like they did those recuperating days during LoCH filming where HG had to take a year off with YH the  bffroomie by his side and they would watch movies or anything and next thing they knew it’s dawn.  Time flies, especially happy times, in love.

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Friday Pretty Post: My shipper paradise edition lots of Yuan Hong, Chang Chen and too many hotties

I have so much material evidence of me and Loverboy being each other’s lil 3…in my trashy fanfic.  I just spent a few days in NYC, I had pics of these exact locales and angles.

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Friday Pretty (and Not So Pretty) Post

Obviously I am very bored and restless now that I have pretty much a clean drama plate except TWO hours a week of Fargo and River’s Edge and my foot is in a cast.  This is depressing.

So this sillyblog has this everything goes coming:

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